This project was a focus on creating a better chat communicator for the Xbox and PlayStation Controllers. Instead of standard button switches as shown in this image from Microsoft, this concept aimed to add audio boost and quick access to game and audio volume control through a scroll dial or wheel.

The focus was to update and create a more aesthetic and functional than other audio adapter shown below that would work for both Xbox and PlayStation. This product will include a single 3.5mm that could handle data as well as audio and have all the controls built into the scroll or dial wheel.

Initial concepts incorporated many switch buttons and sliders but the focus was to maximize the space for a dial setup and minimize button configurations.

PlayStation integrated adapter concepts with a main mute/mode dial.

Mood board

Concept direction 1. Mute/Mode/Volume dial and Touch screen illumination.

Concept direction 2. Switch mute/volume with mode (game volume / chat volume) and scroll up and down buttons. (Wired product)

3D rapid prototype model

Quick access switch, to be used minimal while gaming to adjust volume and switch between game volume and chat volume.